Allegations to the district regulations

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We still do not understand the enthusiasm and determination of the different municipal governments of Elche to separate El Altet from Balsares and Arenales del Sol.


To the Local Government Board of the Hon. Elche City Council:
We still do not understand the enthusiasm and effort put in by the different municipal governments of the Elche city council to separate El Altet from Balsares and Arenales del Sol, as a geographical, historical, cultural, socioeconomic and demographic reality. Already in their day, they created the district of Arenales, to divide the population and the territory of El Altet in two. Winds of emancipation were blowing and the brakes had to be put on.
Well, even today, and after the return of those airs of segregation, they play us again and try to decompose the aforementioned municipal reality, under the protection of a district regulation that came to solve the territorial problem, and that with this draft only makes it deepen this problem, separating El Altet from its beach, Arenales del Sol, and from Balsares, a nucleus with which history, traditions, culture, population, services are shared, and even a neighborhood cemetery and parish, segregated from Santa María some time ago more than 150 years.

Likewise, and as a solution to the existing conflicts regarding citizen participation in public life as well as in decision-making and budget allocation, they present us with a draft regulation inspired by other municipalities of greater substance and that are committed to real decentralization , reaching 8% of the budget managed directly by the districts, and here it remains at just a very poor 2%, which is not going to satisfy the aspirations of citizens to participate and decide in public affairs.

Also, and to aggravate the deficit in terms of participation, they eliminate the consensus of the members-representatives of the citizen groups when it comes to agreeing on matters specific to their municipal board, passing these to have a voice, but no vote and leaving power decision-making over the members appointed by the political groups themselves represented, thus creating a "small town hall" instead of a true neighborhood participation board. A complete throwback.
Finally, and as a culmination of the interest shown by the districts and their neighbors, in the aforementioned draft regulation they only speak of neighborhoods, in terms of their territory, forgetting the districts; and of neighborhood associations in terms of its population, forgetting the rest of the groups that actively participate in the day-to-day life of the municipality.
For all this, we come to amend the Organic Regulation of the Districts and districts of the city council of Elche in the following articles:

Article 2.-

     Where it says "13 municipal districts are created" it should put 12 municipal districts are created.
     Where it says "District 8: Torrellano" it should say District 8: Levante Centro: Torrellano, Valverde, Maitino and Perleta.
     Where it says "District 9: El Altet" it should say District 9: Levante Este: El Altet, Balsares-Bassars and Arenales del Sol.
     Where it says "District 12" it should say District 11.
     Where it says "District 13" it should say District 12.

Article 4.-

     Where it says "The minimum percentage of the Corporation's budget resources that must be managed directly by the districts is set at 2%, according to what is established in the municipal budget and its execution bases. The aforementioned percentage will be distributed among the districts in accordance with objective criteria of territory and population and progressively.” It should put The minimum percentage of the Corporation's budgetary resources that must be managed directly by the districts is set at 8%, according to what is established in the municipal budget and its execution bases. The aforementioned percentage will be distributed among the districts in response to objective criteria of territory, 4%; and population, another 4%; and progressively.

Article 10.-

     Where it says "1. The Plenary of the Municipal Board will be made up of members appointed by the Mayor-President at the proposal of the political groups with municipal representation, in accordance with a criterion of proportionality based on the results of the last municipal elections. To guarantee this proportionality, the number of members and their distribution among the political groups will be identical to those established in each corporate mandate for the City Council Plenary Commissions. In addition, ex officio members of the Boards will be the Pedáneo Mayors, if any, as well as the District Councilor-President, although the latter will count among the members corresponding to the political group to which he belongs. It should put: 1. The Plenary of the Municipal Board will be made up of members appointed by the Mayor-President at the proposal of the political groups with municipal representation, in accordance with a criterion of proportionality based on the results of the last municipal elections. To guarantee this proportionality, the number of members and their distribution among the political groups will be identical to those established in each corporate mandate for the Plenary Commissions of the City Council. In addition, ex officio members of the Boards will be the Pedáneo Mayors, if any, as well as the District Councilor-President, although the latter will count among the members corresponding to the political group to which he belongs.
     In addition, and in the same number, the representatives of the Neighborhood Associations or Collectives of the neighborhoods or districts belonging to that Board will be members of the Board, freely and mostly chosen from among themselves.

     Where it says "2. The representatives of the Neighborhood Associations of the neighborhoods that make up the Municipal Board, as well as other associations linked to each territorial demarcation, appointed by the Mayor-President at the proposal of District President Councilor.” It should put: 2. The representatives of the Neighborhood Associations or Collectives of the neighborhoods or districts that make up the Municipal Board, as well as other associations linked to each territorial demarcation, will be part of the Plenary Meeting, with voice but no vote. , appointed by the Mayor-President at the proposal of the District Councilor President.

Article 11.-

     Where it says "2. b) Board, District or for the city” It should put: 2. b) Board, District or Municipality.

                                                                                                                   Angel Jesus Soler Tristan
                                                                                                                              General secretary